Hertfordshire Police Historical Society
This Week In History
10 September 1883
On 10 September 1883, PC 59, Hill having distinguished himself by his energy and ability in detecting offenders and procuring convictions in several cases of fowl stealing, is permitted to receive a reward of 1 pound offered to him by the Steward to his Grace the Duke of Wellington.
14 September 1882
Letter from the chief constable to the County Council calling attention to the obstruction and danger caused by traction engines in the county.
Saturday 16 September 1893
Thirty picked men of the Hertfordshire Constabulary were drafted into Derbyshire the beginning of the week to assist in suppressing the riots in the coal districts They were armed with all the usual appointments, including cutlasses. They left St. Pancras station by the 8.30 train on Sunday night, under the command of Superintendent John Reynolds, of Hitchin.
Watford Observer
H.C.B. Underdown, of 98, Eaton Place, London, S.W., was summoned for driving a motor car at the rate of 30 miles an hour on the Baldock Road, on August 31st. Mr. W.B. King, solicitor, Royston, appeared on behalf of the defendant, who was absent. PC Waldock said:, “On August 31st, he was on duty near Windy Harbour timing motor cars in company with PC Gray. He compared his watch with PC Stevens, at Royston Police Station, at 1.30 pm: on the same day. He then went to Windy Harbour and compared watches with PC Gray, at 3 p.m. A motor car A6459 going in the direction of Royston went past him and PC Gray at 4.58 p.m. At 7 p.m. he again compared watches with PC Gray and they were the same. At Royston Police Station he compared watches with PC Stevens and they were both the same.” PC Gray, who was at Windy Harbour in company with the previous witness, gave evidence as to the time of the passing of the car.
PC Stevens said “On 31st August he was on motor duty on the Baldock Road in company with PC Hart, at a measured point near Litlington Gates. His duty was to stop motor cars coming from the direction of Baldock. He stopped car A6459 at 5.4 p.m., and told the driver be bad been timed over a measured distance of three miles. The driver produced his licence when requested. The driver remarked that it was a very nice road for a trap but he saw no one. He compared his watch with the other constables later in the day, and they were the same. On returning to Royston he compared the times which showed the car had travelled from one point to the other in six minutes which worked out at 30 miles an hour.” PC Hart corroborated.
PC G. Knight produced evidence of posting the notice of intended prosecution to the defendant by registered post. Inspector Spriggs gave evidence of having measured the distance in August, 1905, and pointed out the spots to the constables.
By Mr. King, “There are no villages but there are several dangerous crossings on the road.” Mr. W. B. King said he had to apologise for his client not being present there that day. An important engagement in Perth prevented him from attending. With regard to the case before them he had no other plea to offer but one of “Guilty.” Mr. Underdown wished to say that be had been driving for three years without previously offending in that way. There were no villages or places on the road which required caution, and he wished to say the police were courtesy itself. Fined £2 and 12s. 6d. costs.
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