Hertfordshire Mercury, 27th November 1915
The death took place suddenly at Cambridge Hospital on Tuesday, following an operation for appendicitis, of PC Ison, who for seven years has been stationed at Royston, and proved himself a popular and efficient officer. The deceased was apparently progressing nicely, and while speaking to a fellow patient, exclaimed ‘I do feel bad’, and expired in five minutes. The deceased had been in the force 17 years, having been stationed at Hitchin, Lilley, Kimpton, Baldock, and Royston.
Hertfordshire Mercury, 4th December 1915.
The funeral of PC William Ison, of the Hertfordshire Constabulary, took place at the Royston Cemetery on Saturday last. The deceased, who had been 17 years in the force, was first stationed at Kimpton, then at Baldock, and for the past seven and a half years he had been in Royston, where he gained the respect and esteem of all with whom his duties brought him in contact.
The funeral cortege was headed by 22 Constables and four Sergeants of the E Division, in command of Inspectors Bowyer and Warren, of Hitchin and Letchworth. Then followed thirty of the Royston Special Constables, in charge of Sub-Section Leader W. H. Quarrie. These formed a guard of honour at the entrance to the cemetery, and the body was borne from the chapel to the grave on the shoulders of four of the deceased’s comrades.
The Rev. Winboult-Harding (Wesleyan minister) conducted the service, and at the grave gave a short address testifying to he high character and the great esteem in which PC Ison was held.
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