Saunders, Lewis, 174, Police Constable.

Little Hadham - Sad Death of P.C. Saunders.


Hertfordshire Mercury, 30th January 1926.

Little Hadham – Sad Death of P.C. Saunders

Quite a shock was given to the whole village on learning that P.C. Saunders, who had been stationed here for the past six years, had died on Monday at Hertford County Hospital. He was taken ill on the 17th inst., removed to the Hospital on the 24th inst., and died there early the next morning.

The deceased was 51 years of age, and leaves a widow, three sons and a daughter. He was a man of splendid physique, who had formerly been a Sergeant in the Guards Brigade. Genial, alert, fair minded, with a high sense of duty, he made an excellent police officer, and had served in  the force for 21 years. The funeral takes place today (Saturday)  at 2.30 p.m. at Little Hadham Church.


This page was added on 27/10/2015.

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