Early Life.
Harry Wallman was born in 1892 at Great Chishall, Cambridgeshire.
His father, John Silbey Wallman a Harness Maker, married his mother, Esther Clarke, in 1884 at Albury. They had nine children two of whom sadly died before the 1911 census:
1. Edward John born in 1886 at Chishall.
2. Ethel Esther born in 1887 and died in 1888 at Chishall.
3. Herbert George born in 1889 at Chishall.
4. Edith Ann born in 1890 at Chishall.
5. Harry.
6. Essie May born in 1896 and died in 1906 at Chishall.
7. Ethel born in 1897 at Chishall.
8. Kittie born in 1900 at Chishall
9. Wilfred Charles born in 1901 at Chishall.
During the 1891 census the family were recorded as living at Hope Cottages, Malting Lane, Great Chishall, Royston. In the 1901 census they are shown as living at Heydon Road, Great Chishall and in the 1911 census at Malting Yard, Great Chishall.
Nothing further is known about Harry’s life until he applied to join the Hertford County Constabulary.
Police Service.
Harry’s Police Service Record has not survived but it is believed that he joined on the 10th August 1914. This is based on the anniversary date of his pay increases and the rate of pay he was receiving. It is also believed that following his training at Police Headquarters at Hatfield he was posted as Constable 132 to C Division at Watford.
General Order 133 of the 18th August 1915 informed Harry that he would receive an increased rate of pay from 24/6 to 25/8 per week from the 10th August 1915. Also, on this Order were Constable’s 73 Human, 139 Freeman and 192 Skeggs who all received the same increase of pay on the same date and all were Appointed on the 10th August 1914.
General Order of the 9th September 1916 informed Harry that he would receive an increased rate of pay from 25/8 to 26/10 per week from the 10th August 1916.
General Order 5 of the 22nd January 1917 was entitled Police Constables (Naval and Military Service) Act 1914 Police (Emergency Provisions) Act 1915 Enlistment in H.M. Forces: Consequent upon the demand for men of military age for service in H.M. Army the Standing Joint Committee have reconsidered the strength at which it is necessary to maintain the force and have authorised that a further 20 members shall be released for Army Service. Five of these have been accepted provisionally by the Army Council for service in the Military Mounted Police. Further instructions with regard to these men will be issued as soon as received.
In accordance with the resolution of the Standing Committee dated 5th January 1917 the Deputy Chief Constable hereby gives the necessary consent as required by the above Acts to a further fifteen Constables for the purpose of enlisting in H.M. Army. Harry was included in this group. The Constables enumerated will be released from the Police Service as from Thursday 1st February 1917 inclusive and will be paid up to and including the 31st January 1917.
General Order 8 of the 25th January 1917 referred to Order 5/1917 and announced that the same fifteen Constables who were being released for military service were being granted leave of absence on 30th and 31st January 1917.
Army Service During The War.
Harry’s Army Service Record has survived and from this and his Medal Index Card and Medal Roll we know the following:
He enlisted on the 10th December 1915 at Watford and on the 11th December 1915, he was transferred to Section B Army Reserve and returned to his Police duties. This was part of what was known as the Derby Scheme. Thousands of men around the country including dozens of Hertfordshire Police Officers enlisted under the scheme. The Hertfordshire Officers mainly enlisted between the 9th and the 11th December 1915. Every Section B Reservist was issued with an individually numbered Khaki Armlet with a red Crown displayed on it which was to be worn on the upper left arm to demonstrate they were a Reservist and were waiting to be mobilised.
Also in the Army service record of Arthur Mansfield are hand written notes, dated 1st February 1917, listing 4 names: Harry Wallman, Joseph Wallen, Arthur Mansfield and William Hussey stating that they are 4 Police officers having enlisted at Watford and would they be accepted together into the Royal Horse Artillery at Woolwich. They were accepted and have consecutive service numbers.
The following details were recorded: Name: He gave his address as the St. Albans Road Police Station, his age as 23 years 4 months and his trade as Police. He said he was not married and had never previously served in the Military.
His description on enlisting was recorded: Apparent age: 23 years 4 months. Height: 5 feet 10 inches. Chest: 38 inches 2 inch expansion.
He said his religion was Church of England and gave his next of kin as his mother, Essie Wallman of Great Chishall, Cambridgeshire.
His Medical History Army Form B178 recorded that he was examined at Watford on the 10th December 1915 and it noted the same information as his description on enlisting with the addition of his weight which was 138 lbs and that he required dental treatment.
Harry was mobilised at Watford on the 2nd February 1917 and the following day posted as Gunner 205951 to the Royal Horse Artillery Depot. Of the fifteen men who were mobilised at the same time as Harry one joined the Grenadier Guards and two others joined the Military Foot Police. The remaining twelve became artillery men. They were 205952 William Hussey, 205953 Joseph Wallen, 205954 Arthur Mansfield, 205956 Wilfred Darton, 205981 Stephen Burch, 205982 Thomas Kempthorne, 205983 William Cripps, 205985 Alban Freeman, 205986 Herbert Trussell, 205987 Albert Emery and 205988 Henry Camp. Other than during their initial training there is nothing to say that they went on to serve together.
On the 3rd February 1917 Harry was posted as Gunner 205951 at the Royal Horse Artillery Depot at Woolwich. On the 16th February 1917 he was posted to R Battery.
In March 1917 during their training there was an outbreak of Rubella at the Woolwich Depot. Of the twelve men who were mobilised the Army Service Records of ten of them have survived. Of these records two, belonging to Darton and Kempthorne, show they were hospitalised for two weeks with the disease. Additionally, Alban Freeman died of fever on the 7th March which was almost certainly due to the same cause.
On the 11th July 1917 Harry was posted as part of the British Expeditionary Force to France joining the 126th Army Brigade. On the 31st October 1917 he was posted to the 2/1st Warwick Battery Royal Horse Artillery.
On the 5th January 1918 whilst in the Field and when on active service he was disciplined for: 1. Failing to salute an officer, and 2. Not wearing a steel helmet in the forward area. Witness: L/Cpl. Bellingham Military Mounted Police, 8th Division. His punishment was decided on the 8th January 1918 to be four days confined to barracks.
On the 28th March 1918 he became a cook. On the 12th August 1918 he was granted 14 days leave to the UK via Calais returning on the 26th August. On the 12th December 1918 whilst in the Field he was disciplined for: Falling out on the line of march. Witness: 2nd Lieutenant Shipp. His punishment was decided the same day to be three days Field Punishment No. 2.
On the 1st January 1919 he was posted to the Dispersal Centre at Shorncliffe and on the 30th January 1919, he was transferred to Class Z Army Reserve on Demobilisation at Woolwich.
Harry’s Statement as to Disability Army Form Z22 recorded: Unit: 2/1st Warwick Royal Horse Artillery. Regiment: Royal Artillery. Regt. No.: 205951. Rank: Gunner. Name: Harry Wallman. Address: 76, Cecil Street, Watford, Herts. Age last birthday: 26. Date of first joining: 1st February 1917 at Woolwich. Medical category: A1. I do not claim to be suffering from a disability due to my Military Service. Examined: BEF France on 25th December 1918 – I do not claim to be suffering from a disability due to my Military Service – signed Harry Wallman. In what countries have you served: France & Belgium (11th July 1917 to ) In what capacity: Gunner from 1st February 1917 to 27th March 1918 Cook from 28th March 1918 to. Name and address of employer before joining the Army: Hertfordshire County Police. Your Industrial Group: Policeman – Industrial Group 35. Your Trade: Policeman.
His Protection Certificate and Certificate of Identity Army Form Z11 recorded: Name: Harry Wallman. Regt. No.: 205951. Rank: Gunner. Record Office: Woolwich. Unit: 2/1st Warwick Royal Horse Artillery. Regiment: Royal Horse Artillery. Pay Office: Blackheath. Address for pay: 76, Cecil Street, Watford, Herts. Theatre of War: France. Year born: 1892. Medical category: A1. Place of re-joining in case of emergency: Woolwich. 28 say furlough granted. Issued 2nd January 1919 at Shorncliffe.
He was awarded the British War and Victory medals.
Like every other soldier Harry would have been granted 28 days leave on his demobilisation and he would have used this time to apply to re-join the Police. He would have had to have undergone a Medical Examination by the Force Surgeon to ensure that he was still fit enough for Police duties. Having passed this, he would have been re-Appointed on the day following the date of the end of his leave period.
A letter dated the 1st February 1919 from the Constabulary Headquarters, Hatfield, to the Officer i/c Records Warwickshire Royal Horse Artillery Old Barracks, Warwick shows another step in the process:
No. 205951 Gunner Wallman, H. Warwickshire Royal Horse Artillery.
Sir, I am directed by the Chief Constable of Herts to inform you that prior to his enlistment in H.M. Army for the purpose of the present war, the above named soldier was a member of this force. Since his de-mobilisation he has been re-appointed to the force provisionally. In order that his re-appointment can be confirmed, the Chief Constable will be much obliged if you will kindly forward to him at your earliest convenience a copy of the Soldier’s record of Army Character. I am Sir your obedient servant George Wright Superintendent & Chief Clerk.
There is no record of the reply, but it was clearly acceptable.
Re-joining The Police.
General Order 23 of 25th January 1919 listed 25 Police Officers who, having been released from H.M. Army, had been re-appointed to the Force. Harry was shown as: PC 132 Wallman H. C Division at Watford from the 23rd January 1919 on £2/7/0 per week. Each officer had to be formerly re-attested. The Superintendents concerned had to report to Headquarters the date and place of Attestation and before whom taken.
Harry married Eliza Wilson in 1919 at Watford. They had three children
1. Kathleen E. born and died in 1921 at Watford.
2. Rowland W. born and died in 1921 at Berkhamsted.
3. Betty Dorothy born in 1926 at Berkhamsted.
General Order 213 of the 17th October 1919 informed Harry that he would receive an increased rate of pay from £3/18/0 to £4/0/0 per week from the 10th August 1919.
The Electoral Rolls of 1920 and 1921 list Harry Wallman as living at 87, Sandringham Road, Watford.
The record has not survived but as the Electoral Rolls of 1921 to 1926 list Harry and Eliza Wallman as living at 47, Shrublands Avenue, Berkhamsted it is safe to say that at some time in the middle of 1921 he was transferred from C Division at Watford to D Division at Berkhamsted.
General Order 142 of the 19th August 1921, General Order 121 of the 10th September 1922 and General Order 149 of the 1st September 1924 informed Harry that he would receive an increased rate of pay from £4/2/0 to £4/4/0 per week from the 10th August 1921, from £4/4/0 to £4/6/0 per week from the 10th August 1922 and from £4/8/0 to £4/10/0 per week from the 10th August 1924. The similar Order for 1923 is missing.
Harry Wallman a Police Constable of Berkhamsted died on the 28th January 1927 at West Herts Hospital, Hemel Hempstead of Influenza and Pneumonia.
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