At an occasional court held at Hadham Police Station on Wednesday morning, Joshua Cooper, a gunner in the 2nd/6th London Brigade, R.F.A.,was charged before Mr J.R. Morris with stealing a sum of about £20 from the Y.M.C.A. tent at Much Hadham on or about July 25. P.s. Lee stated that on the preceding day in company with P.C. Emerton and Bombardier Eveson, of the military police, he searched the kit of the prisoner. he had a number of letters on him, amongst them the one produced sealed down and ready for posting, containg six postal orders. In the lining of his cap Bomardier Eveson found two postal orders of the value of 1s. and 2s., since identified. In the belt (produced) was found the sum of £3 12s. 8 1/4d. The prisoner, on being cautioned, said he knew nothing about it. Messrs Robert Pagett and T. Snowdon, from the Y.M.C.A. tent, gave evidence respecting the two postal orders received for 2s. and 1s.. The prisoner said he was not guilty of stealing the money. The £3 10s. found in his belt was sent to him at Much Hadham. He changed notes for £2 10s. on Friday and Saturday at the tent. He was remanded in custody until today (Saturday), when he will be brought before the Petty Sessional Court.
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