At Waltham Abbey Petty Sessions on Tuesday morning the case was resumed in which Arthur Dye, carman, of Waltham Cross, Lance-Corpl. Henry Driver, of the 2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment, and Charles Philpott, beerhouse keeper, of the Bakers Arms, Waltham Abbey, were charged with being concerned in stealing and receiving on April 12, four 2lb loaves of bread, two pounds of tea, a peck of flour, 7lb tin of dripping, 1lb of butter, 4lbs 10 ounces of beef, together of the value of 15s. 4d., the property of the Secretary of State for War.
Additional evidence was given by PSs Skeates and Simkins to the effect that they had seen Dye on other occasions outside the Bakers Arms. To Sergt. Simkins the prisoner Dye, whilst being detained, stated that he had left things at the beer-house for some time, but always under the strict direction of the storekeeper.
Dora Mayer, in the employ of Mr Bolton, dairyman, of Waltham Cross, gave evidence of daily packing up 9lbs of salt butter for delivery at the Barracks in the Gunpowder Factory, and stated that the writing on the wrapper (produced) ‘9lbs s.b.’ was hers. Edward Tongue also spoke to delivering 9lbs of salt butter at the stores in the Factory each morning.
The accused were committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions for the County of Essex, Philpott and Dye being granted bail.
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