A fowl deed
Hertfordshire Mercury, 8th January 1910
Sir Robert Romer (Chair) and Mr H. Shepherd-Cross were on the Bench at the Petty Sessions Court held on Friday in Buntingford.
Before them in the dock were Charles Sell of High Street, Buntingford and William Glasscock of Baldock Lane, Buntingford. Both men were charged with stealing four fowls, valued at 2s. each, which were the property of Mr Charles Savage, at Puckeridge on December 18th, 1909. Both men pleaded guilty to the charge.
Glasscock was also charged with stealing a bicycle valued at £7, the property of Mr William Rule Jeatt, at Puckeridge, on December 14th 1909. William Glasscock pleaded guilty to taking the bicycle, which he claimed he had found “hidden under a haystack” but he still took it although he knew it to be stolen.
It was stated that the police went to Glasscock’s address in Baldock Lane to look for the four missing birds. When they searched his room, they discovered the bicycle hidden under the bed.
William Glasscock was sentenced to two months imprisonment for each offence, to run concurrently.
Charles Sell was fined 30 shillings.
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