John Harrington, of Burford Place, Hoddesdon, a labourer, pleaded not guilty to being a suspected person in charge of game. There was also a summons for using obscene language, which he also denied.
PC Freeman said that, on the afternoon of 24th October, he had seen the defendant go into Bramble Lane and, noticing that his pockets were bulky, went up to him and found in his pockets the bodies of two rabbits, both still warm, each with its neck broken. On being deprived of the rabbits, the defendant made use of the language being complained of.
The defendant said that he had seen the rabbits sitting on the bank, and that he was not going to pass them. (There was much laughter in Court). The Clerk said “They were both waiting for him”. (There was much further laughter in Court).
The defendant, who was stated to have been invalided out of the army, was fined 10 shillings on each summons.
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