Dorothy Milton,17, factory hand , 37 Kibes Lane , Ware , was charged with stealing clothes, etc, on divers dates between November 1930 , and January 17 , 1931, the property of Miss Dorothy Halfhide , value £3 12s. 6d.
Defendant pleaded guilty and Miss Dorothy Halfhide , of 4 Jefferies Road , Ware , stated her mother employed the defendant as domestic help until January 17 . During the time she was with them witness missed an umbrella , then fur lined gloves , a fur necklet , and other clothing , valued at £3 12s. 6d.
In company with a police officer , she was shown the articles (produced) at the house were the girl lodged . P.C. Prentice said that when charged and cautioned , the defendant said ‘I took them, do forgive me .”
The Chairman told the girl she had been charged with a very serious offence , and it was very sad she would resort to that sort of thing .
The Bench would place her on probation for 12 months.
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