John George Tupper , of no home , was charged with stealing a woollen vest and an Oxford shirt, value 4s.,at Turner’s Hill, on October 5th.
Mary Ann Hooker, of 159, Turner’s Hill, Cheshunt, stated that on Saturday last between 4 and 5p.m., she saw defendant pass the window of her shop, coming from the direction of her house. She went down to the house directly afterwards and missed the things produced from off a chair close to the door. The door was open, and the chair was two or three yards inside the room. She gave information to the police, and about five o’clock the missing items were shown to her at the police-station.
In reply to the charge defendant said “I have had them given to me”. Defendant said the chair was so close to the door that he could touch it.
P.C. Lawrence stated that about 5 p.m. on Saturday he went to the Pond beerhouse, where he saw the defendant with a basket of watercress and a bag on his back. He asked him what he had in the bag, and he replied “Watercress”. Witness looked in the bag and saw the items produced. He took him into custody on a charge of stealing the things, and defendant said “I had them given me”.
Defendant elected to have the case settled at once, and pleaded guilty. He said he would not have done it if it had not been for the beer.
The Bench sentenced him to three weeks’ hard labour.
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