
Hertfordshire Mercury, 25th December 1915


At Hertford Borough Sessions on Thursday, Jane Maria Dunnage, 16 Green Street, was fined 10s. for being drunk and disorderly on December 18 and was put on probation for twelve months.

She was informed that if she came up again during that period she would be charged as an habitual drunkard and sent away for at least two years.

Cecil Temple, of 35 Melbourne Road, Merton Park, and William Chennels, of 4 Hensbridge Villas, St Johns Wood, waiters, did not appear to answer a summons for being drunk and disorderly on December 18.

P.C. Frogley proved the case and stated that the defendants were officers’ servants at the Barracks, but they had since removed.  Supt Pear said they had written expressing their regret and offering to pay the fine.

They were fined £1 each.

This page was added on 06/08/2015.

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