(E) Conditions Of Service

General Order 54 of 1922

Paul Watts

Leave of Absence.

31). Every member of the police force of the rank of Inspector or any lower rank shall, so far as the exigencies of duty permit, be granted leave of absence (hereinafter referred to as Annual Leave) in addition to the days upon which he is not required to perform police duties in compliance with the Police (Weekly Rest Day) Act, 1910, so that the members of the several ranks shall be granted annual leave in each complete calendar year as follows:

Inspectors    18 days

Sergeants     14 days

Constables   12 days

Provided that a constable on probation shall not be entitled to annual leave during the first six months after his appointment. If he completes six month’s service in the calendar year in which he is appointed, he shall, so far as the exigencies of duty permit, be granted in respect of his service in that year annual leave at the rate of one day for each completed month of service reckoned from the date of his appointment to the end of the year.

32). Superintendents and any other officers not entitled to a weekly rest day shall, so far as the exigencies of duty permit, be granted in each complete calendar year leave of absence of not less than 42 days, with an additional six days in each year after completing 10 years’ service in the rank and shall also be allowed one day’s leave in each calendar month.

33). Inspectors, Sergeants and Constables shall, if the exigencies of duty permit, be allowed to take their annual leave in one period continuous with the weekly rest days of the weeks in which the leave is taken.

This page was added on 28/11/2020.

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